Whether you're an IT professional or a general user, QuickHash is an extremely useful tool. QuickHash has a clean, easy-to-use interface that makes it easy for less advanced Windows users to use this file or folder comparison tool. QuickHash gives you access to the hashing facility with an extremely user-friendly UI. However, PowerShell is far from being intuitive for the average user, as it has a very barebones interface. Doesn’t Windows PowerShell do the same thing?
If you'd like to support the ongoing work of the developer, you can make a voluntary payment in the amount of your choosing. Yes, you can download it for free from our recommended site. QuickHash is an open-source data hashing tool, so don't forget that some less trustworthy sites may bundle unwanted or malicious software with the QuickHash file. If you download it from a reputable site, you will have no problems. However, if your colleague hashed the original file, it will take just a few seconds. Some encrypted files are set to never change the last modified date or the file size, so even if you got your colleague to resend the original file, you still have no quick way to check the integrity of your copy. You manage to recover it, but how do you know it's still perfectly intact and is a true copy of the original?
When you open it, you find the file’s been corrupted. Someone has created a lengthy document and sent you an encrypted copy.